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Building an infrastructure for a growing Contracting Company in Virginia

With this project, we helped our client set-up an accounting infrastructure.  We built processes and procedures to ensure an efficient monthly close.  We built scalability in the system and will continue to provide ongoing support for future growth.

Job cost and KPI reporting system for manufacturing company in New Mexico

With this firm, we instituted a monthly budgeting process and weekly kpi reporting system.  Additionally, we created a job performance tracking system.  This is an ongoing project.

Built an equity model for the partners.  Built a new reporting model by line of business for a distribution/service company in Colorado

Worked with the owner to design an ownership/ distribution model for the partners.  This is an ongoing project, we are building a new reporting schematic designed to give greater visibility to their different lines of business.

Building a job cost system for a  construction company in California

This project is a great example of how we keep our clients’ best interests in mind. We built a job cost system that will properly track actual costs, estimated costs, and built scalability in the system.  Improved margins considerably.

Built a financial model, budgeting process and rolling forecast for a California E-Commerce business

With this project, we instituted a new budget and financial model that allowed them the visibility to determine their areas of opportunity and to reduce costs according.  Additionally, with the updated rolling forecast model, they were able to see 12 months into the future their cash requirements and break-even analysis.

Fcl Reporting/Bookkeeping for a California based environmental consultant

Reviewed and are building efficiencies for the month end close.  We are also building a budgeting model and will be rolling out a dashboard with all kpi's being measured.

These are just a few examples of how we have helped our client's grow, set objectives, create better visibility and transparency, and scale. Call or e-mail us today to see how we can partner with your firm to help you realize your vision. 

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